Doug Alderson

Doug Alderson

Past President
Board Officer

Author of 15 published books and numerous magazine articles

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Doug Alderson prefers a kayak to a desk, hugs trees and friends, and loves observing alligators, manatees and other wildlife in their natural environment. Most of his 15 published books focus on the dynamic and quirky nature of his home state of Florida. They include Florida's Rivers, Nostalgic Florida, America's AlligatorWild Florida Waters, Waters Less Traveled, New Dawn for the Kissimmee RiverEncounters with Florida's Endangered Wildlife and A New Guide to Old Florida Attractions, which the Florida Writers Association placed in the top five of published books for 2017. He has won five first place Royal Palm Literary awards from the Florida Writers Association and two gold medals from the Florida Authors and Publishers Association for nonfiction books and several other state and national writing and photography awards. 

Published Works
