J. Mikel Boland

J. Mikel Boland
Husband, Father, Technologist, Writer, People Leader, etc, etc, etc
Mikel Boland is (hopefully) soon to be known for the Portal
Jumpers series of books, stories and novella(s), and assorted
other fantasy. He is also trying his hand at modern romance and
hopes to be a smashing success in that genre as well. Mikel lives
with his beloved wife and three teenagers in Florida. He fed his
brain in approximately 25 schools growing up, lived in 7 states,
and has moved up to 12 times in a single year. Mikel inherited a
love for fiction books from his father and has long since lost
count of the worlds he’s visited in these pages. Through the
process of writing, Mikel has learned that creating is a blast and
very therapeutic, editing can cause a need for therapy, and there
is much more to learn.